Thursday 17 November 2011

Is the News Budget a bit stretched?

The Australian - 16 November 2011
THE ABC today announced its popular international current affairs program Foreign Correspondent will only screen 24 times in 2012.

The remainder of the program's budget will be spent on special reports and "in-depth" documentaries under the Foreign Correspondent banner.
Foreign Correspondent, the ABC’s flagship international reporting program, will adopt a four season schedule next year that will result in just 24 episodes instead of the usual 38.

The remaining 35 per cent of the program’s allocated budget will be set aside for special reports and “in-depth” documentaries to be screened at other times, yet to be confirmed.

The ABC announced the changes today, heralding them as creating an opportunity for greater in-depth coverage of international events in its twentieth year.

An ABC spokeswoman said the changes had nothing to do with budget cuts and the same production team and budget would apply to the program next year.

But details of how the rest of the budget will be spent is at this stage unclear.

In 2011 Foreign Correspondent aired 40 episodes of 30 minutes each, compared to 24 30 minutes episodes in 2012.

Other programming will be scheduled between seasons for the 8pm slot.

A statement from the ABC said: “In 2012, Foreign Correspondent will remain in its current timeslot of 8pm on Tuesdays, but will air in four seasons, each comprising six episodes.

“These episodes will be complemented by extended Foreign Correspondent specials throughout the year, allowing the program team to spend additional time and resources building on the ABC’s global reputation for first class, long-form story telling.

“This commitment to quality international journalism will be furthered by the scheduling of other premium documentary and factual programming right through the season.”

Director of ABC News, Kate Torney said: “In its 20th year Foreign Correspondent is bringing together the highest standard of journalism while keeping pace with our audiences needs, offering choice across a range of platforms.

“It also provides an exciting opportunity to extend the program’s current format and do more long form investigative reporting.”